You connect there with family, friends, church members, high school classmates, and military buddies. There are 800 million people using Facebook – how can you leverage that power to grow your business?
Lori Peterson, says she utilizes Facebook by using her story in subtle ways to see who is curious. “When I first joined Facebook I simply posted my status as: ‘Setting off on a new adventure. Going to be busier than ever.’ A friend contacted me almost immediately to ask what the new adventure was. He became my first customer within 30 minutes of my joining Ambit.”
Tracy Wattleworth O’Halloran said she “posted the Ambit INC 500 article and the revenue of the company, and someone emailed me immediately inquiring about getting in the business.”
What can YOU do to use Facebook with the Ambit System? Here are five key strategies designed to help you grow your business.
1. The Friend List. Building, maintaining and growing a strong written list is a foundational necessity for your business. Review your Facebook friends and add them to your written list. People’s situations change and going back over your friend list might unearth some surprising prospects, whether you spoke last week or years ago. It’s time to rekindle the friendships.
2. The Cyber Favor. When you talk with friends in person or online ask if they would be willing share something on their Facebook page. This is another great way to find new Ambit customers and consultants. You can also share Event invitations - Hundreds of invitations to the Mad Man Marathon were shared, which helped everyone enroll more new consultants.
When contacting friends in private Facebook messages make it personal. Don’t contact 20 people in the same Facebook message and expect to get results. Send personalized notes to contacts who you think could be helpful and willing to share Ambit events and messages with their friends.
3. Groups. In Facebook you have the ability to organize your friends in groups. You can make the group public or private for those you invite. You can setup a group just for Ambit consultants in your downline. This can be a terrific way to get your team together and hold a discussion after a training or call, discuss plans, share resources and generally gather in a private area on Facebook. It can be an ideal platform to share action plans, support your team, and hold each other accountable.
4. Get Support. Upline getting you down? Need a little inspiration after a prospect you were sure would say yes gives you a no? Head to Facebook. The Top Ambit Leader Page is a thriving community with consultants eager to help you with any challenges you may have with your business. I have even seen consultants that have never met in person come together on my Page to act as accountability partners! The page is full of inspiration, information, and terrific people. It’s a great place to ask how do I do this, where can I find information on that, and build support systems.
5. Recognition and Gratitude. Facebook is an excellent forum to publically recognize new consultants, new promotions and the hard work your team is doing. When you help new consultants join the Top Ambit Leader Page, you are plugging them into a system and support structure quickly and easily.
The Top Ambit Leader page encourages participation every day, but we recently added two new weekly features on Facebook.
• Tell Us Tuesdays: Consultants share their success stories each Tuesday from the past week.
• Thank You Wednesdays: Public displays of gratitude every Wednesday on the Top Ambit Leader Wall.
To help with public recognition Facebook has a feature that allows you to “tag” friends by adding the “@” symbol directly preceding the name of a person you mention (no extra spaces!) on a Wall posting. This will automatically put the same message on your friends Wall so they can see what you said about them.
Now it’s time to take action. Review you Facebook friends and start adding them to your written list. As you use Facebook for your Ambit business, we want to know how you are doing. Share your stories on and join the conversation. Participate and help others and you will find a generous community.
Keep charging,