In the excitement of TRIPLE/DOUBLE BONUSES our Ambit organization has been absolutely energized. From our top income earners all the way to consultants that have not been concentrating on their Ambit business and even brand new consultants.
Records have been broken and enrollments are at an all time high! Ensure that your income is too!
I am proud to announce that last week’s Mad Man Sizzle Call Marathon broke Ambit Energy records for new consultant enrollments. In less than 24 hours we added 1,600 new consultants to my downline alone. The campaign was wildly successful, and with Ambit’s extension of the Triple Double bonuses until October 15th, the requests have been piling in for an encore! Therefore, I am pleased to announce a Mad Man Sizzle Call Marathon Number Two!
You can be part of making Ambit Energy history in the remaining days of Ambit TRIPLE/DOUBLE Bonuses which will end midnight Friday, September 30th. This promotion will not be extended!
From time to time, we all get too big for our britches. We are moving so fast we forget the fundamentals of our game. Some of my readers might be new to Ambit Energy, and if that’s you, welcome to the ride of your life. These basic truisms are a blueprint for success - I hope that you are able to take them to heart. For the consultants that have been around a little longer, ask yourself if you are still living these basic principles.
There’s a very old joke that a tourist in New York City stops to ask a local businessman “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?” The local responds, “Practice, practice, practice.”
When you learned to ride a bike as a child you probably started by falling off and skinning your knee. You got back up and fell off again and skinned your elbow. But you kept getting back up until you made it from point A to point B and didn’t fall off the bike.